Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Zucchini Chips

Salt and Vinegar Zucchini Chips

These were the first zucchini chips I tried.  I love salt and vinegar chips so I was excited to make these.
These are just a few of the ones I made.  The recipe calls for white balsamic vinegar, but I only had dark balsamic vinegar.  I didn't care if they turned dark.
You can find the recipe at
I followed this recipe, but after the chips were dry they were very oily.  If you look closely at the paper towel you can see the oil spots.  They soon went soft too.
I will make them again without the oil.  I had a lot of the liquid mixture they were dipped in left over so I kept slicing zucchini and adding them to the remaining liquid.  I used about 1 1/2 times the amount of zucchini called for in the recipe.  Without the oil  less zucchini will be needed.
I also tried sprinkling zucchini slices with salt and pepper.  Some with canned Parmesan cheese.  I also made the salt and vinegar ones again without the oil.

I found that we liked all of them without any oil added.  I dipped them in water and shook off the excess to make the dry ingredients stick.

We liked the salt and pepper ones the best.

Mine were dry and snapped into pieces in about 6 hours.  I sliced them as thin as I could so they would be more like chips.  I put them in 1/2 cup jars and in the cupboard. They started going soft in about 1 week.

I guess you have to eat them quickly or do not cover and store them.

I still like the idea of zucchini so I will try them again.  Maybe this year or maybe next year.  I'll let you know what I learn as I make more.

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